steps to make the school fees payment(new system)


Whole year syllebus-2024-2025

Date: 14-5-2024 PDF icon YEARLY SYLLEBUS-2024-2025.pdf

book and stationery distribution date and time-2024

Date: 5-3-2024 PDF icon BOOK & stationery list final.pdf


Date: 5-2-2024 PDF icon Time table-Annual exam-2023-24.pdf


Date: 11-12-2023 PDF icon ICSE_2024_Time_Table - 2.pdf

Durga Puja

Date: 18-10-2023 PDF icon 87-Durga Puja Holiday.pdf


Date: 6-10-2023 PDF icon Half Yearly - 2023-24.pdf

fee upto sep-2023

Date: 12-9-2023 PDF icon 80-Fees Clearance.pdf

2nd Unit test Timetable-2023

Date: 12-9-2023 PDF icon 2nd Unit Test Timetable-2023.pdf


Date: 4-9-2023 PDF icon 79-Janmashtami.pdf

Dance competition

Date: 9-8-2023 PDF icon 75-Dance Competition.pdf

Report card distribution

Date: 9-8-2023 PDF icon 74-Result.pdf

quarterly exam time table-2023(PN-III)

Date: 17-7-2023 PDF icon Time table quarterly 2023.pdf

Quarterly time table-2023(IV-X)

Date: 17-7-2023 PDF icon QUARTER EXAMINATION-2023-2024.pdf


Date: 28-6-2023 PDF icon 66. ID-UZ-ZUHA.pdf

School normal Timing

Date: 26-6-2023 PDF icon 65. Notice for Ordinary time.pdf

summer holiday

Date: 19-8-2023 PDF icon 62. Summer Holiday.pdf

1st Unit Test-PN to III

Date: 11-5-2023 PDF icon 1st Unit Test 2023 PN-III.pdf


Date: 11-5-2023 PDF icon ANNUAL SYLLEBUS-2023-2024.pdf


Date: 11-5-2023 PDF icon 1ST UNIT TEST.pdf

summer timing

Date: 24-4-23 PDF icon 58. SUMMER TIME.pdf

summer timing

Date: 15-4-2023 Image icon Summer timing.jpg

final book distribution

Date: 28-3-2023 PDF icon 53. Closing day purchase.pdf

Notebook price

Date: 4-3-23 PDF icon NOTE BOOK & STATIONERIES 2023-2024.pdf


Date: 4-3-2023 PDF icon BOOKS DISTRIBUTION DATE & RATE 2023-2024.pdf


Date: 4-3-2023 PDF icon AMOUNT AT THE TIME OF RE-ENROLLMENT-2023-2024.pdf

Book distribution dates

Date: 1-3-2023 PDF icon 49. March - 2023.pdf

Time table for annual exam - Junior section

Date: 6-2-2023 PDF icon Annual Timetable.pdf

Fees clearance-2023

Date: 1-2-2023 PDF icon 46. Fees clearance.pdf

Holiday Republic day & Saraswati Puja

Date: 25-1-2023 PDF icon 44. Republic day & Saraswati Puja.pdf

Half Yearly exam paper showing

Date: 23-11-2022 PDF icon 39. Paper showing.pdf


Date: 18-11-2022 PDF icon 38. OLYMPIAD EXAM-2022.pdf

study leave

Date: 2-11-2022 PDF icon 36. Study leave.pdf

Fees clearance

Date: 1-11-2022 PDF icon 35. Fee Clearence.pdf


Date: 29-10-2022 PDF icon HALF YEARLY TIME TABLE-2022-23.pdf

diwali holiday

Date: 21-10-2022 PDF icon 34. Diwali.pdf

Half yearly time table-Junior

Date: 17-10-2022 PDF icon Half Yearly time table.pdf

Monthly programme-nov-2022

Date: 15-10-2022 PDF icon 45. NOV-2022..pdf

Elocution For Junior

Date: 14-10-2022 PDF icon Elocution For Junior.pdf

puja holiday

Date: 26-9-2022 PDF icon Puja-2022.pdf

Speech Competition and Football Match-2022

Date: 23-9-2022 PDF icon SPEECH COMPETITION-2022.pdf

Weekly test time table

Date: 13-9-2022 PDF icon weekly test time table-2022.pdf

international EHG olympiad

Date: 20-6-2022 Image icon OLYMPIAD.jpeg_.jpg

Summer holiday

Date: 18.5.2022 PDF icon summer holiday.pdf

No class for class-V and Class-X


class time is changed.

Date: 27.4.2022 PDF icon REVISED TIME TABLE-27-4-2022.pdf

ICSE exam and class will go together

Date: 26.4.2022 PDF icon new schedule.pdf

monthly programme-Apr and May-2022

Date: 24-4-2022 PDF icon APR-MAY-2022-2.pdf

Time table

Date: 11.4.2022 PDF icon TENTATIVE TIME TABLE 2022-2023.pdf


Date: 29.3.2022 PDF icon BUS ROUTE & CONTACT NUMBER.pdf

Hostel reopening

Date: 3/3/2022 PDF icon HOSTEL REOPENING.pdf

result notice 2021

Date: 3/3/2022 PDF icon result notice 2021.pdf


Date: 2/3/2022 PDF icon BOOKS DISTRIBUTION DATE & RATE 2022-23.pdf

Annual Exam 2021-22, 2nd collection of hard copy

Date: 2/3/2022 PDF icon Annual Exam 2021-22, 2nd collection of hard copy.pdf

enrollment and book distribution

Date: 25.2.2022 PDF icon enrolment-5.pdf

Annual Exam 2021-22 1 st Collection of Hard Copy

Date: 21.02-2022 PDF icon annual exam 2022.pdf

Annual exam time table-PN to II-2021-2022

Date: 4/2/2022 PDF icon ANNUALEXAM TIME TABLE-PN-II.pdf

Annual exam time table-III TO IX - 2021-22

Date: 4/2/22 PDF icon ANNUAL EXAM-III TO IX.pdf

Answersheet disrtibution dates and time

Date: 03.02.2022

Answer sheets collection for class V on 12th , 14th, 15th  Feb 2022 

Class VI - 16th,17th,18th Feb 2022.
From the respective places..


New students admission information

Date: 4/01/2022

Monigram new students admission will be held on 10/01/2022

Raghunathganj new students admission will be held on 12/01/2022

Sagardighi new students admission will be held on 11/01/2022

Answer sheet distribution dates

Date: 3/11/2021 PDF icon Dates of Answer sheet distribution.pdf

semester-I, Revised timetable and offline exam for 2022 Batch

Date: 23.10.2021 PDF icon seme-1, revised timetable.pdf

Some Important information regarding fees payment.....

Date: 2/10/2021

1. Make the payment only when there is good internet. 2. After making payment if the pay button is not green then check ur account, if money is debited from your account then do not make the second payment. 3. Use separate  phone number for each students for better sms fecility. 4.Give the OTP between the count down of 5 to 4.,  5. If possible use separate device for payment and OTP.

Report cards distribution

Date: 22-8-21

Tomorrow(23-8-2021) the report cards will be given to the students from 9.00am to 12.00noon. students are informed to come with the fees clearance report.

ICSE certificate for ICSE 2021 batch is available

Date: 26-8-21

ICSE Marksheet, Board certificates, T.C and Migration certificates are available for ICSE 2021 batch, students can come to collect it after having paid 1400 online.

kanyashree form is available

Date: 19-08-2021

Kanyashree form is available in the school. Girls students whose date of birth is between 01/04/2004 to 31/03/2009 can come to the school office and collect it.

Minority scholarship.

Date: 16-8-21

minority scholarship form is available for class-I to Class-X. students can fill up the form and while filling up use the below board.

Council for the indian school certificate examination

School diary distribution dates

Date: 17.7.2021

school diary is available in the school office. students can come and collect it as per the dates given bellow.

19.7.2021(Monday)-Class-PN - time- 10.00am to 12.30pm.

19.7.2021(Monday)-Class-LKG - time- 10.00am to 12.30pm.

19.7.2021(Monday)-Class-UKG - time- 10.00am to 12.30pm.

20-07-2021(Tuesday)-Class-I - time- 10.00am to 12.30pm.

21-07-2021(Wednesday)-Class-II - time- 10.00am to 12.30pm.

22-07-2021(Thursday)-Class-III - time- 10.00am to 12.30pm.

23-07-2021(Friday)-Class-IV - time- 10.00am to 12.30pm.

24-07-2021(Saturday)-Class-V - time- 10.00am to 12.30pm.

26-07-2021(Monday)-Class-VI - time- 10.00am to 12.30pm.

27-07-2021(Tuesday)-Class-VII - time- 10.00am to 12.30pm.

28-07-2021(Wednesday)-Class-VIII - time- 10.00am to 12.30pm.

29.7.2021(Thursday)-Class-IX - time- 10.00am to 12.30pm.

29.7.2021(Thursday)-Class-X - time- 10.00am to 12.30pm.

Please produce the enrollment slip of 2021-2022 session during the collection of school diary.

fees portal is opened and ready to give school fees

Date: 21.6.2021

The fees portal is now ready to give the school fees.

fees portal under maintenance

Date: 16.6.2021

The school fees portal is under maintenance. students are informed not to make any transaction. You will be informed when it is ready.

Quarterly Time table-2021

Date: 12.6.2021

Kindly find the attachements.

PDF icon Quarterly Time table 2021.pdf

links to pay the fees.

Date: 20.5.2021

Pay button for Month of May activated.

Date: 1.5.2021

Students are informed to pay the fees for the month of May-2021 using the pay button in the website. follow the steps to pay-student log in and online payment zone>monigram student login>give student id>password and click on the pay button. If any students do not have the pay button or amount is not mentioned please contact the school office as early as possible.

office remains closed

Date: 21.04.2021

Due to covid-19, the school office remains closed upto 26th April 2021, the office will open on 27th April 2021.

ADMIT CARD FOR ICSE-2021 examination

Date: 12.04.2021

This is to inform to the students that the Admit card for ICSE 2021 examination will be issued on 17th of April 2021. students are informed to be present without fail. Please bring the school fees payment receipt. and clearance of examination fees.

Bus timing for class IX and X students

Date: 10.4.2021 PDF icon bus timing only for class-IX and X.pdf

Class resumes from 12.4.2021

Date: 8.4.2021

This is to inform to the students that the classes will resume from 12.04.2021. students are informed to be ready for the classes.

regarding enrollment

Date: 7.4.2021

If any students have any problem regarding enrollment can contact the school office as early as possible. For example- fees paid successfully but still pay button is there, wrong student id or password. Or any other problem regarding enrollment. Please contact 8389980309

2nd book distribution

Date: 7.4.2021

The second book distribution will be on 13th April 2021 time-9.00am to 4.00pm. please come with your Report card and enrollment slip

Bus timing for Result of Class-V to IX

Date: 14.3.2021

Tomorrow for the Report card distribution of class-V to IX two buses will start at 9.00am from Makenjipark and one bus from Sagardighi. students are informed to be on time.

fees portal opened for enrollment

Date: 10.3.2021

This is to inform to all the students that the fees portal has been opened  for the enrollment. students must use their student id and password for the enrollment in the student log in. deposit in sbcollect will not be accepted. please co operate for the better service. 

Book distribution dates

Date: 5.3.2021

Please see the attachment

PDF icon BOOK DIST. DATE & RATE 2021-22.pdf

Pre board result

Date: 2.3.2021

Kindly see the attachments.

PDF icon result notice(2).pdf

ICSE 2021 Time table

Date: 2.3.2021

Kindly see the attachments.

PDF icon ICSE-2021-time table.pdf

Monthly programme-March-2021

Date: 26.2.21

Kindly see the attachments.

Image icon March-21.jpg

How to do the enrollment.

Date: 26.02.2021

For the enrollment please follow the steps: In this website go to student log in>Monigram student log in > give your student id>password(student date of birth in the format of dd-mm-yyyy)>click in the pay button of April.

Bus timing for class-VIII and IX students for the annual exam.

Date: 21.2.21

Kindly see the attachments.

PDF icon bus timing.pdf


Date: 15.2.21

Kindly see the attachments.

PDF icon ANNUAL EXAM-2020-21(V-IX).pdf

annual exam time PN to IV

Date: 15.2.21

Kindly see the attachments.

PDF icon ANNUAL EXAM 2020-2021(PN-IV).pdf

Drawing exam

Date: 11.2.2021

Kindly see the attachments for the dates for drawing examination.


olympiad certificates distribution

Date: 11.2.2021

Kindly see the attachments for the olympiad certificates distribution dates.


Final examination notice

Date: 30.1.21

The final examination will start from 22.02.2021

PDF icon exam notice.pdf

New Students admission(2021-2022 session)

Date: 9.1.2021

New Students admission for the session 2021-2022 will be held on 18th january 2021, at 10.00am to 2.00pm. 

fees clearance

Date: 6.1.21

This is to inform to all the students to clear the fees upto March 2021 on or before final examination, without which the students will not be allowed to sit for the final examinaiton. 

kanyashree form submission last date-21.12.2020

This is to inform to the students of class-VIII that all those students who have taken the kanyashree form for 2020-2021 are informed to submit the duly filled in form in the school on or before 21.12.2020.

Class-X English language Internal assessment

Date: 6.2.20 PDF icon Eng. Lang. Internal assesment.pdf

3rd online test timetabl for senior section

Date: 26.11.20 PDF icon SENIOR SEC.ONLINE 3RD UNIT(1)2.pdf

3rd online test time table

Date: 26.11.20 PDF icon PRIMARY ON LINE 3RD UNIT(1).pdf

Report card distribution dates

Date: 12.11.20

17.11.20-PN and class-V(A and B)

18.11.20-LKG and class-VI(A and B)

19.11.20-UKG and class-VII(A and B)

20.11.20-I and class-VIII(A and B)

21.11.20-class-II and class-IX(A and B)

23.11.20-III(A and B) and class-X(A and B)

24.11.20-Class-IV(A and B)

TIme-10am to 12.00pm

Class X (2021) Batch

Date: 11.11.20

Tomorrow bus no. 6B will start from makenjipark at 9.00am. Class X students are only allowed in the bus with mask.

Report card distribution

Date: 10.11.20

Those students who have cleared the fees upto the month of OCT-2020, they will be getting the report card within few days.


Date: 10.11.20

This is to inform to the students of class-X(2021 Batch) that there will be an urgent meeting regarding ICSE examination on 12.11.2020 in  monigram school premises at 10.00am. students are informed to be present without fail.

ICSE certificate 2020 is available in the school.

Date: 7.11.20

This is to inform to the students of ICSE 2020 batch that the ICSE certificates is available in the school office. students are informed to come and collect it on 9th Novemeber 2020 without fail. The students personally has to come and collect it. 

Online classes resumes

Date: 2.11.20

This is to infrom you all that the Online classes after the puja vacation will resume on 5th Nov.2020 as usual. students are infromed to get ready for the same.

Puja Vacation

Date: 20.10.2020

The school will remain closed for Puja vacation from 21.10.20 to 04.11.20. The school will resume as usual from 5th November 2020. Wish you every one happy and prosperous puja vacation.

PDF icon puja holiday.pdf

kanyashree form available.

Date: 9.10.20

The Kanyashree form for 2020-21 is available in the school office. class-VIII Girls students are informed to contact the school office for the same.

New updated student ID

Date: 7.10.20

The student ID has been updated and checked for the use of students. I hope the student ID will help you in all your school related work. If any one has any problem regarding student ID can please contact 8389980309

PDF icon Student ID.pdf

Online Half Yearly examination-2020

Date: 2.10.20 PDF icon Time table for the Half Yearly examination 2020.pdf

Drawing examination time table

Date: 30.9.20 Image icon DRAWING EXAM.jpg

fees clear upto October 2020

Date: 29.9.2020

All the students are here by infromed to clear the fees upto the month of October 2020 on or before 5th of October 2020.

Image icon fees notice.jpg

Minority scholarship verification status

Date: 27.9.20

Dear students see whether your name is there in the list. If not there and you had mailed your duely filled in form to the school mail( then contact me in 8389980309.


Teachers day online quiz competition-2020

Date: 9.9.20

Fees clear upto-Sep-2020

Date: 8.9.20 PDF icon Fees reminder.pdf

Teachers day online competition result-2020

Date: 6.9.20 Image icon TEACHERS DAY COMPETITION RESULT copy.jpg

2nd weekly time table senior section.

Date: 6.9.20 Image icon SENIOR SEC.ONLINE 2ND UNIT TEST.jpg

2nd weekly time table Junior section.

Date: 6.9.20 Image icon PRIMARY ON LINE 2ND UNIT TEST(1) copy.jpg

Online classes remains off due to the sad demise of Late president Pronab Mukherjee

Date: 1.9.2020

Tribute to Late Pranab Mukherjee, former president  of India and a man of all seasons passes away in Delhi after battling a long illness. May almighty God grant him eternal peace. Tuition classes remain off. Please convey the message to the students.

fees clearance

Date: 26.8.20 PDF icon fees NOTICE.pdf

Eligible students for renewal of minority scholarship

Date: 24.8.20 PDF icon minority-2.pdf

Teachers day competition

Date: 20.8.20 PDF icon Competition on5thSeptember2020forclassesPre(2).pdf

Class-IX, M.Edu book

Date: 14.08.2020

All the class IX students are informed to collect the book from the school office, on 17.8.2020(Monday). The cost of the book is 240/- (since it is urgent for the students as the classes are on, they can give cash and take the book)

Monigram link is active

Date: 20.7.20

Now the online payment link for monigram school is active. Students can deposit the fees in monigram link.

ICSE 2020 batch will be issued icse certificates

Date: 18.7.20

ICSE 2020 batch are informed to collect their ICSE certificates on 22.7.20(Wednesday) after paying 1400 online.  the certificates will be given only to the students. They should come with an application for migration certificates.

icse registration

Date: 18.7.20

This is to inform to the students of class IX that for the ICSE registration, all those students who cannot present physically can send your duly filled in form, recent colourful passport photos and students signature in the school mail id -

Note : Registration will be done only those who have cleared the registration fees and school monthly fees upto July 2020.

List of Class-IX students for ICSE registration.

Date: 16.7.20

Please see your names in the list and come accodingly for the registraion. Make sure to pay 2500 rupees online for the registration before coming. Please wear school uniform, tie and ID card for the registarion and passport photos.

PDF icon CLASS-IX.pdf

ICSE class-IX registration

Date: 15.7.20

ICSE registration for class-IX students will be held on 21.07.2020 and 22.07.2020 in the school premises. All the Class IX students are informed to pay the registration fees 2500 on or before 20th of this month. Documents needed.

1 Birth certificate

2 Adhar card

3. Filled up form(available in the website)

4. caste certificate(if SC/ ST)

For more information go to the website


fee reduction

Date: 11.07.2020

Please see the attachments for the fees reductin.

PDF icon fee reduction.pdf

Online weekly test timetable-2020

Date: 6.7.20

Please see the attachments for the timetable.


Online Test from July-6th

Date: 2/7/20


Dear students and staff

School is going to begin the online test from July 6, onwards. I request the teachers to set the questions and declare the chapters. Students kindly prepare for it. Vice principal will set the time table.


  • Time limits 6 to 10 minutes
  • It will be an oral test.
  • It fetches 10 marks.
  • Answers could be in yes, no or one word or a sentence or in a few sentences.
  • Test could be half for the morning session and for the rest in the evening as the teacher directs.
  • During the test hrs, parents’ presence would be highly recommended.
  • Questions will be in three set such as A,B and C Student has to draw the lot or to have the choice of chapters.
  • Time table for the weekly test will be set by the Sr. vice principal.
  • Marks will be recorded and added in half yearly examination.
  • Students, those who are unable to attend the test, must give the reasons for it and sent to the school office in the form of application.


PDF icon online test.pdf

ICSE has cancelled the remianing exams.

Date: 27.6.2020

The ICSE has cancelled the remaining exams which was to be conducted fro 2nd of July 2020 to 10th of July 2020.

PDF icon exam cancelled.pdf

End of summer vacation and class resumes

Date: 17/6/2020

Please see the attachments for the notice of the Principal regarding resuming the classes after summer vacation.

Image icon class resumes.jpg

ICSE announces the choice to appear for the remaining paper of 2020

Date: 16/6/2020

The ICSE has announced that the students can choose to either appear for the ICSE exam or not to appear the exam. Any students not appearing the exam should give in written to the principal latest by 20/6/2020. for your reference see the ICSE circular in the attachments. 

PDF icon ICSE 2020 Examination - Choice to appear for the Remaining Papers.pdf


Date: 14.6.20

Please see the attachments for the fees structure of 2020-21

Image icon FEES copy.jpg

summer holiday

Date: 23.5.2020

Summer holiday

Image icon notice copy.jpg

ICSE exam time table for incomplete subjects

ICSE exam time table for incomplete subjects.

Image icon 20200522_185733.jpg

Class-I-Hindi-Chapter-I to IV

Date: 12.5.2020 PDF icon class-i Hindi-chapter-I to IV.pdf


1. Englsh Literture-

2. English Literature-Class – III
English literature
A. Fill in the blanks........... .
1. Wooden seat
2. Fireplace
3. Cheese
4. Heidi
5. Mountain 
B. Reference to context
1. Where am I going to sleep, Grandfather? 
a) Little girl Heidi is speaking to Grandfather.
b) Because there was only one room and in it only  grandfather’s bed.
c) Grandfather’s reply was, “Wherever you want.” 
2. What do you think it is, Heidi?
a) Grandfather is talking to Heidi. 
b) They are talking about the chair.
c) Yes, Heidi liked the speaker's idea. 
Word wonder 
Singular words to plural  
1. nurse- nurses ,  person- persons 
2. gardener – gardeners ,  leaf- leaves 
3. thief- thieves , house – houses 
4. Sheep – sheep,  field – fields 
5. Farmer – farmers , rat - rats 


Date: 23/4/2020

1. Converstation-

1.   What is your name?

My name is ……………………

2.   What is your father’s name?

My father’s name…………………….

3.   What is your mother’s name?

My mother’s name is …………………

4.   How old are you?

I am four years old.

5.   Where do you live?

I live in Monigram

I live in Sagardighi

I live in Raghunathganj

6.   Where is your school?

My school is in Monigram

7.   In which school do you read?

I read in Don Bosco English Medium School, Monigram.

8.   Who is your Principal?

My principal’s name is Fr. Yacub Ekka

9.   Who is your Vice Principal?

My vice Principal is Sr. Nivedita

10. In which class do you study?

I study in class UKG

11. Who is your class teacher?

My class teacher is ………………………..…

12. How do you come to school?

I come to school by bus / Auto / Bike.

13. How many brothers do you have?

I have …….. Brothers  / I have no brother.

14. How many sisters do you have?

I have …….. sisters

I have no sisters.

15. Who helps you to put on your dress?

My mummy helps me to put on my dress.

16. What is your father?

My father is a doctor /an officer/ a businessman/ police man

17. Do you greet your Sisters / Miss daily?

Yes, I greet my Sisters/ Miss daily.

18. What day is today?

Today is Monday/ Tuesday/ .………

19. Do you feel hot today?

Yes, I feel hot today.

No, I don’t feel hot today.

20. Do you have class on Saturday?

Yes, I have class on Saturday.

No, I don’t have.

21. What day is tomorrow?

Tomorrow is Sunday/ Monday.

22. What day was yesterday?

Yesterday was Monday/ Tuesday.

23. How many days are there in a week?

There are seven days in a week.

24. Which is the first day of the week?

Sunday is the first day of the week.

25. Do you study your daily lesson?

Yes, I study my daily lesson.

26. Do you know to draw picture?

Yes, I know to draw.

27. Do you write neatly?

Yes, I write neatly.

28. Do you come to school daily?

Yes, I come to school daily.

29. Have you brought pencil and book?

Yes, I have brought pencil and book.

30. What should you say when you are late?

Sorry for being late.

31. Do you obey your parents/teachers?

Yes I obey my parents/teachers.

32. Do you shine your shoes daily?

Yes, I do shine my shoes daily.

33. Do you comb your hair?

Yes, I comb my hair.

34. Which is the last day of the week?

Saturday is the last day of the week.

35. What time do you reach school?

I reach school at ____ am.

36. What time is your assembly?

Our assembly is at ____ am.

37. What time do you go to bed?

I go to bed at 8.00 / 9.00 pm.

38. Who is your best friend?

My best friend is ………………..

39. How are you?

I am fine, thank you.

40. Which is your favourite game?

My favourite game is ………………..

41. Do you love your teachers?

Yes, I love my teachers.

42. Do you love your school?

Yes, I love my school.

43. Was yesterday a holiday?

Yes, yesterday was a holiday.


No, yesterday was not a holiday.

44. Is tomorrow a holiday?

We celebrate teacher’s day on 5th September.

Yes, tomorrow is a holiday. Or

No, yesterday is not a holiday.

45. Is there class tomorrow?

Yes, there is class tomorrow.

46. Do you feel cold today?

Yes, I feel cold today.

No, I don’t feel cold today.

47. Have you done the homework?

Yes, I have done the homework.

No, I have not done the homework.

48. Did you complete the class work?

Yes, I completed the class work.

No, I did not complete the class work.

49. Can you sing a song?

Yes, I can sing a song.

50. What is the next period?

Next period is English/ Hindi………..


PDF icon Conversation UKG.pdf


Date: 23/4/2020

1. Conversation-

  1. What is your name?

Ans: My name is ______________________

2.       What is your father’s name?

Ans: My father’s name is _______________

3.       What is your father?

Ans:  My father is ______________________

4.       What is your mother’s name?

Ans: My mother’s name is _______________

5.       How are you?

Ans: I am fine thank you.

6.       How old are you?

Ans: I am ______ years old?

7.       How many brothers do you have?

Ans:  I have ________ brothers.

8.       How many sisters do you have?

Ans:  I have _____ sisters.

9.    What is the name of your school?

Ans:            The name of my school is Don Bosco Eng. Med. School, Monigram.

10.       What is the name of your principal?

Ans:     The name of my principal is Fr. Yacub Ekka.

11.       Which class do you read in?

Ans:     I read in class ___________

12.       What is the name of you class Teacher?

Ans:     The name of my class teacher is ___________

13.       When do you go to bed?

Ans:     I go to bed____________________

14.       Where do you live in?

Ans:     I live at ___________________

15.       Where is your post office?

Ans:     My post office is ___________________

16.       Where is your  Police station?

Ans:     My police station is_______

17.       What is the name of your district?

Ans:     The name my district is _____________

18.       What is the name of your state?

Ans:     The name of my state is _____________

19.       What is the name of your country?

Ans:     The name of my country is __________



Subject : Conversation, Class : LKG

20.     How many days are there  in a week?

Ans:  There are 7 days in a week?

21.     How many days are there in a month?

Ans:  There are 30 days  in a month.

            There are 31 days in a month.

22.     How many months are there in a year?

Ans:     There are 12 months  in a year.

23.       How many days are there  in a year?

Ans:     There are 365 days in a year.

24.       When do you get up?

Ans:     I get up at __________

25.       Which colour  do you like most?

Ans:     I like most Red / Green / Yellow / Blue colour.

26.       Which food do you like most?

Ans:     I like sandwich / chiken /mango/ cake.

 27.      What is  the name of your vice-principal?

 Ans:    The name of vice-principal is Sr. Nivedita.

  28.     How do you wish in the morning?

  Ans:    I wish in the morning by saying good morning.

  29.     How do you wish in the afternoon?

 Ans:    I wish  in the afternoon by saying good afternoon.

Ans:     I wish in the evening by saying good evening.



Subject : Conversation, Class : LKG

30.       How do you wish in the evening?

Ans:     I wish in the evening by saying good evening.

31.       What do you say before going to bed at night?

  Ans:     I say good night.

  32.      Do you love your teachers?

  Ans:    Yes, I love my teachers.

  33.      Do you love your school?

  Ans:    Yes, I love my school.

  34.      Do you feel hot today?

  Ans:    Yes, I feel hot today?

No, I don’t feel hot today?

   35.     Do you know to draw picture?

   Ans:   Yes, I know to draw.

             No, I don’t know to draw.

36.        Who is our Prime Minister?

Ans:      Our Prime Minister is____________________

37.        Who is our Chief  Minister?

Ans:      Our Chief Minister is____________________



PDF icon Conversation LKG.pdf


Date: 23/4/2020

1. Conversation-





Subject : Conversation, Class : PN









1.       What is your name?

Ans. My Name is _________.


2.       How are you?

Ans.  I am fine. Thank you.


3.       Which class do you read in?

Ans.  I read in class _______.


4.       How old are you?

Ans. I am _______ Years old.


5.       What is your father’s name ?

Ans.  My father’s name is _________.


6.       What is your Mother’s name?

Ans.  My mother’s name is ________.


7.       How many brothers do you have?

Ans:  I have ________ brothers.


8.       How many sisters do you have?

Ans:  I have _____ sisters.


9.       What is the name of your School?



10.      What is the name of your class teacher?

Ans. The name of my class teacher is

Mrs. / Miss.  ____________.


11.     What is the name of your Principal?

Ans.  The name of my Principal is Fr. Yacub Ekka.


12.   What is  the name of your vice-principal?

 Ans:    The name of vice-principal is Sr. Nivedita.

PDF icon Conversation PN.pdf

CLASS-I-online classes

Date: 17/4/2020

1. Maths-

CLASS-II-online classes

Date: 17/4/2020

1. Maths -

CLASS-VI-online classes

Date: 17/4/2020

1. Computer-class-vi-

2. English Literature -



3. Hindi -

CLASS-IV-online classes

Date: 16.4.2020

1. Mathematic-




2. Computer

3. Class – IV-English Language
Chapter 1
Nouns : compound Nouns
Ans: Ex- A
1. Herd – collective noun
Cows, field – common noun
2. pile – collective noun
books , table - common noun
3. Creatures – collective noun
Food – common noun
4. Bunch - collective noun
Keys, pigeon – common noun
5. Ganga , Indians - proper noun
river – common noun
6. Crowds – collective noun
People , streets – common noun
7. Crew – collective noun
Ship – common noun
Captain – proper noun
8. Class – collective noun
Reema – proper noun
Monitor – common noun
9. Flocks – collective noun
winter, birds, lake – common noun
10. Africa – proper noun
Continent - common noun
11. Horse, cart, sand – common noun
12. Sanjoy – proper noun
Company – collective noun
actors- common noun
13. Album – collective noun
CDs, songs- common noun
14. Teams – collective noun
Buses , stadium – common noun
15. Groups – collective noun
Pilgrims, river

5. class IV Literature chapter 1 What's your dream

A. Answer these questions.
1. What was the old beggar's question?
A. The old begger's question to the narrator was what was his dream?
2. Why did the narrator feel startled at the old man's question?
A. The narrator felt startled at the old man's question because the old man was dressed
raggedy and also he spoke in english.
3. What was the narrator's dream?
A. The narrator's dream was to have a room of his own.
4. What kind of room did the narrator live in?
A. The narrator lived in a big room which was shared with his family.
5. How did the old beggar know that the narrator was a dreamer?
A. The old beggar knew that the narrator was a dreamer, as he saw him sit on the litchi tree
all afternoon dreaming even though it wasnot the litchi season.
B. Answer these questions with reference to the context.
1. Ahl A room of your own, a tree of your own, it's the same thing. Not many people can have
their own rooms, you know. Not in a land as crowded as ours
a. Who said these lines and to whom?
A. the old beggar to the narrator.
b. Why did the speaker say 'a tree of your own'?
A. he meant a tree-house
c. According to the speaker, why can't many people have their own rooms?
A. because our land is over populated
2. Live long, my friend, be wise and strong, But do not take from any man his song.
a. Who said these lines and to whom?
A. the old beggar to the narrator.
b. What did the speaker mean by 'do not take from any man his song'?
A. he meant, do not take away the happiness of another man.
c. Pick out a pair of rhyming words from the lines stated above.
A. strong-song
C. Think and answer.
1. How can one lose all that he or she has achieved in life?
A. One can lose everything in life if he or she becomes greedy, careless or takes everything
for granted.
2. What was the old beggar's advice to the narrator?
A. The old man's advice to the narrator was to follow his own dream and don't stand in
anyone's way and don't take from another man man his room or his faith or his song.
3. Why is it important to follow one's own dream?
A. It is important to follow one's own dream because it brings hope, inspiration and meaning
to live.
A. Fill in the blanks using the 'adjective + noun' collocations given in the box.
unbearable heat shady trees strong smell running river heavy meal good lodging
1. After the unbearable heat getting wet in the rain is fun.
2. The sound of the running river was very soothing.
3. We settled down for our picnic in a good lodging with a lot of shady trees around it.
4. There was a strong smell in the house.
5. I am full. I had a very heavy meal.
1. arrive early
2. deal costly
3. apply directly
4. breathe deeply
5. affect strongly
6.act responsibly

6. English Literature-

7. Class - IV
English language

Chapter: 1 – Noun : Compounds
Ex: B – Ans:
1. penfriend – common noun. South Africa – proper noun
2. Postman , letters , letter box - common noun
3. Woodpecker, bill – common noun
4. Men , library – common noun
British Museum - proper noun
5. Grand parents – common noun
New Delhi – proper noun
6. grown-ups , fairy tales – common noun
7. Jayant – proper noun 
Westerns, cowboys, gunfights, punch- ups – common noun
8. Cars , driveway – common noun 
9. Reema – proper noun 
Hay fever , headaches – common noun
10. Paperbacks- common noun
11. Pop group , dance hall – common noun
12. Crown jewels – common noun 
Tower of London - proper noun
13. Chewing gum , invention – common noun 
14. Spaceship- common noun
Milky Way - proper noun
15. Timetable -. Common noun 
16. X-rays , operation theatre – common noun
17. Open-air , school – common noun
18. Grand father , armchair , magazine – common noun 
19. Spring clean – common noun 
20. Passengers , seatbelts , laptops, cell phones – common noun

8. Maths

9. Maths-

10. Science-Chapter 2 answers.

Answers of chapter 2
1. Circle the correct answer: 
a. Milk teeth
b. 20
c. Canines
d. Enamel
e. Pulp 
2. Write true or false for the statement.
a. True b. False c. True d. False e. False 
3. Match the following
a. Incisors.                   I. Four flat teeth in each jaw.
b. Premolars.              Ii. Fore broad teeth in each jaw.
c. Gums.                      Iii. Holds teeth.
d. Molars.                   IV. Six in each jaw
e. Canines.                 V. Two in each jaw. 
4. Short answer questions.
a. How many teeth are there in human adult? 
Ans: There are 32 teeth in a human adult.
b. Which type of teeth is useful for cutting and slicing food? 
Ans: Incisors are useful for cutting and slicing food.
c. Which is the softest part of a tooth? 
Ans: Pulp is the softest part of a tooth.
d. What type of food are bad for the teeth? 
Ans: Colas, candies and other sticky, sugary food are bad for our teeth.
e. Differentiate between temporary teeth and permanent teeth.
f. Ans: Temporary teeth – It is also known as milk teeth. Temporary teeth can be replaced. 
Permanent teeth- It is also known as adult teeth. Permanent teeth cannot be replaced.
g. Out of the total number of molars how many appear first?
h. Ans: Out of the twelve molars, eight appear first. 
5. Long answer questions.
a. How are plaque and cavities formed? 
Ans: Sometimes food particles get stuck in the gaps between the teeth. If they are not
cleaned, then the particles may decay , causing germs to grow. This may  further lead to
bad mouth odour and yellow sticky layer forming on the teeth, called plaque.
Sometimes, the germs release acids that destroy  the tooth enamel and this is how
cavities are formed. 
b. Write a short note on the parts of a tooth.
Ans: Each tooth is divided into two parts: crown and root. Crown is the part that can be
seen above the gums. Root is the part that is present inside the gums and we cannot see
this part. The different parts of a tooth are as follows; 
I. Enamel - it is the shiny outer white covering of the tooth. It is the hardest
substance in our body. 
II. Dentine- it is the layer under the enamel. It is usually yellow in colour. 
III. Pulp- it is the softest part of the tooth made up of nerves and blood
IV. Gums- they holds the teeth in their place.
c. Based on the shape and functions describe the four types of teeth. 
Ans: Incisors – they are thin, sharp and flat in shape. Incisors are used to cut and slice
     Canines – They are sharp and pointed in shape. They hold and tear food.
    Molars – Molars are broad and flat in shape. They chew and grind food.
    Premolars – They are broad in shape. They crush and chew food.  
d. How can you take care of your teeth write any five points.
Ans: Some of the points to take care of our teeth are: 
I. Brush twice a day.
II. Rinse mouth after eating meals.
III. We need to change our toothbrush every 3 months.
IV. Floss once a day as it removes food stuck in teeth gaps.
V. Visit a dentist once in a year. 

A. Draw and label th

11. English Literature-Chapter-2

C. Choose the correct forms of the words from those given in brackets and rewrite the following sentences:
1. babies, milk
2. blood
3. vans, luggage
4. absence
5. noise, music
6. water, illness
7. books, time
8. help , trouble
9. hair
10. fun
11. luck
12. food
13. energy, study
14. poverty, money
15. snow
D. Use the words in the box below to fill in the blanks given before the underlined uncountable nouns to give an idea of quantity or quality:
1. some
2. much
3. little
4. lot
6. no
7. no
8. some
9. all
10. little

English Languagr-

PDF icon CLASS4 science.pdf

CLASS-V-online classes

Date: 16.4.2020

1. Mathematics-


2. Computer class-V -

3. English Literature -






CLASS-VII-online classes

Date: 16.4.2020

1. English Literature-

2. Computer -

3. Physics -

4. Computer-

5. Computer-

5. Hindi-

6.Eng. Language- Answers
A) 1. Band, music
2. Truth, lies
3. Grandfather’s patience
4. Sandalwood
5. Baggage, airport.
B) Homework ( Do in the copy.)
C) Do in the book
D) 1. Years
2. Teeth
3. Clothing
4. Feet
5. Chiefs
6. Schedules
7. Scissors
8. Furniture
9. Information
10. Sugar
E) Let’s revise
1) Runners-up
2) Commanders-in-chief
3) Vice chancellors
4) Furniture
5) Sons- in- law
6) Equipment
7) Jewellery.
F) Homework to be done in the copy.

7. English Language- Chapter 2 answers.

A. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words.

1 They. 2. her 3. us 4. ours 5. They, you

B. Choose suitable pronouns to complete the given brackets.

1. My teacher and I

2. You and I

3. Shefali and I

4. Him and I

5. You and Sanjay

6. You and he

7. You and her

8. You and him

9. You and I

C. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.

I. I

II. It

III. Them

IV. Ourselves

V. Us

VI. You

VII. Him

VIII. Them, mine, theirs

IX. Yourself

X. Themselves

D. Choose the appropriate pronouns to complete these sentence.

I. Who

II. Somebody

III. Itself

IV. These

V. They

VI. Who

VII. What

VIII. Everything

IX. Anyone

X. Neither

XI. Themselves

XII. None

XIII. Them

XIV. Themselves

XV. Her

E. Let’s revise

1. Whom – relative pronoun

2. This – Demonstrative pronoun

3. Which – interrogative pronoun

4. That – relative pronoun

5. That – Demonstrative pronoun

F. Fill in the blanks.

I. His toys

II. Has, me

III. All

IV. I, he, me

V. I, you

VI. He


VIII. Everyone

IX. Somebody

X. My parents and I

XI. You and I

XII. You and Mitali

XIII. You and her.


8. Computer-

PDF icon class 7 literature questions n answers.pdf

CLASS-VIII-online classes

Date: 16.4.2020

1. Computer-




2. Geography-


3. Computer-


PDF icon geography-viii(answer).pdf

CLASS-IX-online classes

Date: 15.4.2020

1. Please click in this link for class-IX Literature -

2. Class-IX- Computer -

3. Class - IX Hindi-Chapter-I-

4. Hindi Byakaran-



PDF icon class-IX-X composition writing.pdf


Date: 19/3/2020

ICSE EXAM POSTPONED see the attachments



Date: 13.3.2020

Tomorrow(14.3.2020) result at monigram all the school buses will come at usual  time and leave school premises at 11.00am

Enrollment information

Date: 6.3.2020

All the students are given enrollment slip where online enrollment amount, book price and stationery amount is given. Id card preparation form also is given. The Id card preparation form will be collected on the book distribution day.

Bus timing for ICSE class X students

Date: 25.2.2020 Image icon bus time-ICSE.jpg

Siba Ratri Puja

Date: 20.2.2020

The school remains closed tomorrow(21.02.2020) due to siba ratri. The school will resume as usual on 22.02.2020 from class III to class-VIII.

Bus timing on exam days

Date: 17.2.2020 Image icon BUS TIMING-2.jpg

Annual Exam time table-PN to II

Date: 5.2.2020 PDF icon ANNUAL EXAMINATION PN-II.pdf

Annual Exam Time table-III to VIII


Computer practical exam

Date: 4.2.2020 Image icon New Doc 2020-02-04 11.31.03_1.jpg

Class X olympid exam

Date: 3.2.2020 Image icon IMG-20200203-WA0006.jpg

Holiday on 29.1.2020

Date: 28.1.2020

The school remains closed on 29.01.2020 on the occassion of Swaraswati Puja.

Class X ICSE admit card and farewell

Date: 27.01.2020

Class X students farewell, Pre board exam result, and ICSE exam admit card will be given on 7th February 2020. Class X students are informed to come with fees book having cleared the fees up to march 2020.

online payment

Date: 27.1.2020

This is to inform you all that from the academic year 2020-2021 there will not be cash transaction at the counter, online transaction is introduced and it will be followed. Kindly get used to the system. However no fees book will be provided. your kind co-operation is expected.

PDF icon NO CASH handling.pdf

Fees clear

Date: 25.1.2020

All the students are informed to clear the fees upto the month of march on or before 10th of Feb.2020. And get ready with ur annual exam Admit card.

Annual Sports day

Date: 14.01.2020

The Annual sports day will be held on 31st January 2020(Friday). Sports practice will be started from 27th January 2020. wish u all the best.

Annual photo session

Date: 10.01.2020

The annual photo session will be held on 17th January 2020. All the students are informed to come with monday dress code. (School uniform, Blazer, tie, badge, belt, id card, black shoe with blue socks.)

Class IX Annual exam timetable

Date: 10.1.2020 PDF icon Class IX.pdf-Annual exam time table.pdf

tomorrow (8.1.2020) school remains closed.

Date: 7.1.2020

Due to conveyance inconvenience the school will remain closed tomorrow(8.1.2020).

Olympiad exam dates

Date: 6.1.2020 PDF icon Olympiad 2019.pdf


Date: 5.1.20

6.1.20       -      12.00 noon

7.1.20       -      12.00 noon

8.1.20       -      12.00 noon

9.1.20       -      12.00 noon

10.1.20     -      01.00 pm

13.1.20    -       12.30 pm

14.1.20    -       12.00 noon

15.1.20    -      12.00 noon

16.1.20    -     12.00 noon

17.1.20    -     12.00 noon

Weekly test time table for class PN to II

Date: 23.12.19 PDF icon weekly test for class-PN to II.pdf

Class X pre-board time table

PDF icon PRE-BOARD TIME TABLE 2019-20.pdf

Weekly test time table for class-III to VIII

Date: 23.12.19 PDF icon WEEKLY TEST.pdf

Christmas vacation

Date: 20.12.19

The school remains closed from 20th Dec. 2019 to 5th Jan. 2020 for christmas vacation. The school will resume as usual on 6th Jan. 2020.

Class X ICSE time table

Date: 5.12.19 PDF icon ICSE exam time table.pdf

Bengali Weekly Test-LKG to II

Date: 5.12.19

There will be weekly test for the subject Bengali on 9th December 2019(Monday) for class LKG to class II.

Half Yearly report card given

Date: 29.11.19

The Half Yearly report card is given to the students. Guardians are informed to duly sign on it and submit to the class teacher on or before monday(2.12.19). Those who did not get the report card kindly meet the sisters respectively. With best wishes from school office. 

Online payment compulsory

Date: 27.11.19

The online payment will be compulsory from 2020. Fee books will not be available. please help us to serve you better.

Silverzone Olympiad books distribution

Date: 25/11/2019

This is to inform you that the sylverzone olympiad books are being given to the students. wish you all the best.

Fees clear notice

Date: 25/11/2019

All the students are requsted to clear the fees upto month of December 2019 on or before 10th December 2019.


Date: 12.11.2019

Our website is ready to view, get information n give the school fees.